Among international organizations, The OECD is one of the most dedicated to addressing Illicit Trade. It drives a task force against illicit trade ALCCI is part of, ( Within this task force the organization has undertaken various initiatives to develop international standards and agreements. These are falling in line with ALCCI action lines (Grey zones, blockchain, e.illicit trade). Among these initiatives fall 2018 is marked by :

  • International conference on blockchainof September 4th and 5th that includes two sessions on illicit trade aims to assess how blockchain could prevent and detect illicit trade in the wider context of economic regulation. ALCCI participates as expert in these sessions.
  • Expert meeting in small parcels and illicit trade to be organized jointly with EUIPO on September 28th. The goal is to identify practices that can help to tackle the use of small parcel delivery by illicit traders especially for e.illicit trade. ALCCI participates to this meeting.

Aside these activities that address mainly the distribution side the OCDE is committed to the supply side especially in mining and natural resources exploitation. (